MTHS Testimonials

"I've been using the energy for a while and I must say that it's quite powerful. I used it on a friend and she was really amazed and asked if it as magic or something." Michell, UK

"After using MTHS and taking the first 3 levels, I now know and understand how important it is to go within, to understand and listen to the body. I have a new sense and understanding of being in the moment. The energy seems to get much stronger with daily use. My sense of feeling is much deeper and my understanding of life much more clear." Pat Barber, Thailand

MTHS is beautiful

For me energy healing comes very naturally hence I connect even more beautifully to it

Healing with Merlin, I feel, gets immense clarity to the client and the conduit (healer) too

The energy sweeps through the person (healee and healer both) to get along with it a wave of love, warm healing and so so much of light

This itself, heals/ sorts/ gets clarity/ fills courage/ awakens hidden skills/ invokes the true power within, seated deep under covers and waiting to be tapped into!

With every session on self or someone else, I feel some unexplained clarity and energy seems to make way into me. Sometimes I know what it is clearing or cleansing for me or within me, while most of the times I just know that nice feeling! As magical as the above written words sound know that every bit of it is truly from my heart and soul.

That is what Healing with Merlin energy does for me

I am looking forward to kindle this flame/ fire/ light into as many seeking souls as I would be guided to

Gratitude to all the Masters and Divine spirits, Energies for everything (teaching me, healing me, guiding me)

Mark Karlson warm hugs and lots of love and pranayam

Neerja Prabhu, India

"MTHS helps me to be more focussed and centred in my life and not to be so reactive to situations around me. I have found it really expands my consciousness and I just wish to share the joy of it with others." Elenora Patrin, Peru

"The most obvious benefit I've noticed, is that my leg which has been bothering me for quite some time, is so much better. I am sure that if I continue sending the energy to my leg a complete recovery will take place." Joan Simmonds, Switzerland

Mark is an amazing spiritual life coach. I attended my MTHS Level 1 with him in Kuala Lumpur and already I'm seeing transformation after 40 days of training like weight loss and also healing my eyes as I've just had retinal detachment surgery. My eyes are healing nicely and the pain has subsided. Mark is one of the best coaches I've known as he continues to guide and coach me after my MTHS L1. Keep up the great work!

Angie Ng - Malaysia

"I can't deny the impact Mark and MTHS has had on my life. I am opening! U use MTHS in my business, incorporating the energy with everything I publish and in the events I organize. My life is moving forward with a new ease and grace. The transformation's the best thing I ever did for myself!" Kinzie, Hong Kong

"Dear Mark, I am so glad our paths crossed. Without MTHS my spiritual journey would have been incomplete. You have truly been chosen to bless humanity with such a wonderful ascension energy system. Thank you for sharing your gift with us :)." Shraddha Singh, India

"I was the ultimate skeptic. But MTHS really does work! I felt the magic, now I help spread the magic." John Eastham, Thailand

"That was the best workshop I have attended in terms of what I've gained from it. The symbols were really powerful and the energy so strong." Ann Chiang, Singapore

"I can feel the power in me again and seem to have the courage to go on. It seems that there is lots of positive energy around me, which in turn helps me to think positively." Charul Bakhda, UK

"MTHS totally changed my life - transformational is the only word I could use, thanks a million." Jaz Goven, Thailand

"I had learned MTHS last year here in India and everything started to get better, life seemed to get smoother somehow. It was not until I connected with Mark however, and invited him to conduct his workshops here in India, that I saw the real power of MTHS.

Meeting Mark was like connecting with a dear old friend. He is so warm and radiates so much love. In his workshops he really works on the core principles of love, self-love and the importance of putting light in your body every single day using the MTHS system. I have been practicing MTHS on myself ever since and life surely has transformed even more and my manifestations have gotten more powerful as well. I have shed weight and each day I can see that I am learning more about loving myself and those around me,. 

It's been a pleasure and an honour being Mark's coordinator for India as well as a practitioner of MTHS." Sharmee Divan, India

I've only done level 1 but I've used Merlin energy the most till now for many things. I project all 3 symbols on the water that I drink and whenever I do that, the taste of water feels completely different than normal water also I drink more. Secondly, whenever someone is in pain I give distance healing and there is always substantial relief to the patient. I also use it on myself from time to time. A few days back there was a girl limping in front of me & I could see that she had difficulty even standing up, I asked her what's the problem and she told me that she has a severe cramp in her ankle and wasn't able to move it at all. I gave her merlin healing (all 3 symbols) for 10 minutes and... suddenly she just stood up and started walking. She herself was amazed as to how the pain vanished. All thanks to Merlin

Honey Jain - India

I experienced the most profound healing today. I am a type 2 Diabetic and for the last few days my blood sugars were really high and no amount of my ayurvedic medicines would drop them.

I did my 33 minutes exercise today as normal and then tested my blood sugars afterwards. They went from 10 mmol to 6.2 in that time.

My back pains were also much reduced and my energy levels restored.

Thank you Mark for bringing these healing energies to us

Peter S - London UK

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