Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, said that not looking at your dreams was like receiving the most important letter and then never opening it!
It takes 30 billion brain cells to initiate a dream even before it starts moving, and so discovering what they mean, holds tremendous importance.
Carl Jung, one of our greatest pyschiatrists, pyschologists and founder of analytical psychology, is reported to have said that not looking at your dreams is like receiving the most important letter and then never opening it.
Understanding your own personal unconscious, not to mention the collective unconscious, is a life time's work, but working on consciously uncovering it, via dream work is deeply and richly rewarding, in terms of the healing benefits a person gains by doing it.
Even without doing any conscious work in understanding our dreams, our nightly dreams are doing the work of integrating our conscious and unconscious lives; Jung called this the process of individuation.
Although dreams are always working with you to bring you into wholeness, working to understand them consciously can really speed up the process.
Despite all the conflict that can be experienced in our dreams, order and wholeness is the ultimate goal of the psyche.
The psyche is always working to bring balance, wholeness and the inevitable wisdom that then follows.
Dreams are always revealing more than they conceal, but of course, learning their language is a necessary component in understanding what they are revealing to us.
Our dreams are always offereing a deeper understanding of our waking reality and the mystery of life itself.
When we dream, our unconscious mind communicates with us by delivering messages direct to the conscious mind, so that we can become fully aware of our self, by integration of the conscious and unconscious.
For any person wanting to fully understand them self, dream work is imperative.
In this one day workshop, you will learn all you need to start the process of working with your dreams to initiate the greatest guidance system that you possess.
Please record your dreams prior to the workshop as some of them will be used for interpretation.
The next 'Dreams' Seminar
City: Mumbai, India
Date: 15th August 2018
Venue: Suba International Hotel
Essential to bring to the seminar: Any dreams that you have had in the last few days before the seminar or that you can remember from before including recurring dreams.
Price: If you pay in full before 1st July 2018, the cost is US$115
After 1st July US$130
Booking: Please contact Sharmee on +91 98218 38811 or to book your place.
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